Make Bookmarks Icon only in Chrome, Edge, or Firefox browser

Chrome, Edge, or Firefox browser users can set their bookmarks on the bookmarks bar to display only the website icon and no text. This gives you room for more sites. By enabling the Show Icon Only option for bookmarks in the address bar, you can make it more compact and slim. This can be useful on devices with small display size. To make Bookmarks Icon only in Chrome, Edge, or Firefox browser, do the following: For the purposes of this post, we will be demonstrating with the Edge browser – but the steps are pretty much similar with Chromium-based browsers.

Open Edge and make sure the browser is updated.Right-click on a Bookmark or Favorite you want to show as icon-only on the favorites bar.Now, click/tap on Show icon only to check (show icon only) or uncheck (default – show name and icon) per your requirement.

Note: This option will not be available in the right-click context menu for folders on the favorites bar.

Repeat the step above for all bookmarks you want to show as icons.

That’s it on how to make Bookmarks Icon only in Chrome, Edge or Firefox browser! Related post: Create website shortcut on desktop using Chrome, Edge, Firefox.

How do I make Chrome bookmarks only icons?

To make Chrome bookmark icons only, do the following:

Right-click on the bookmark you want to show as an icon only.Select Edit from the dropdown menu.Now, clear the name of the bookmark.Click save to save the bookmark as an icon only.

How do I change my bookmark icons?

To change your bookmark icons, do the following: Go to the website that you want to bookmark – if you’ve already bookmarked the page, just open the page in a new tab. Then, click on the Favicon Changer icon in Chrome. Here, select if you want to change the favicon for the entire site, or just that particular page.

How do I change the bookmark icon in Firefox?

To change the bookmark icon in the Firefox browser, install the Bookmark Favicon Changer add-on for Firefox installed and then follow these steps:

Right-click your bookmark in either the Bookmark menu, Bookmark toolbar, Bookmark sidebar, or Bookmark manager. The popup menu with options to Change Favicon, Reset Favicon, Remove Favicon and Export Favicon will appear.Select the option for what you want to do.

Can you change bookmark icons in Google Chrome?

You can change bookmark icons in Google Chrome by simply right-clicking at your bookmark. The popup menu with options to Change Favicon, Reset Favicon, Remove Favicon and Export Favicon will appear. You can use any image file or any image URL that the browser support as a favicon. After changing the favicon, you can reset it back or remove it and use the default one.

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