InPrivate Filtering feature in Internet Explorer

By default, InPrivate Filtering (press Ctrl+Shift+F to enable) analyzes the websites you visit and the content providers they use, but does not automatically block them. You can choose to allow or block any content provider that InPrivate Filtering identifies as receiving information about your browsing. Alternatively, you can have InPrivate Filtering automatically block any content provider, or you can turn off InPrivate Filtering.

Turn on InPrivate Filtering 

Click to open Internet Explorer.Click the Safety button, click InPrivate Filtering, and then do one of the following:Click Block for me to block websites automatically.Click Let me choose which providers receive my information to choose content to block or allow. When you’re finished, click OK.

If you’ve already turned on InPrivate Filtering, follow these steps:

Click to open Internet Explorer.Click the Safety button, and then click InPrivate Filtering Settings.

Do one of the following:

To automatically block websites, click Automatically block.To manually block websites, click Choose content to block or allow.To turn off InPrivate Filtering, click Off.Click OK.

To manually block or allow content provider or third-party websites that could be in the position to know which websites you’ve visited, follow these steps:

Click to open Internet Explorer.Click the Safety button, and then click InPrivate Filtering Settings.Click Choose content to block or allow, click one or more websites, and then click Allow or Block.

To set the number of websites you visit that share content before they are put in the list, type a new number in the Show content from providers used by this number of websites you’ve visited box. You can set the number from 3 to 30. The default setting is 10, which means at least 10 different websites must share the same content provider before it is displayed and you can block or allow it. When you’re finished, click OK.