Our data accumulates over time. Manually, backing up the data once a week or month might be hard. We may forget it and bury it in the busy aspects of our lives. In such situations, we need an efficient solution to back up the data regularly and automatically. Duplicati is a free backup software for both personal and professional use. It is an open-source application available free of cost.

How to configure Duplicati Backup for online backups

The procedure to use Duplicati as a personal backup solution and save a backup is simple: Going into the details, after the installation of Duplicati, launch the program. It opens as a web page on your default browser with http://localhost:8200 as its address. It opens in your default web browser because it is designed as a web-based interface. To save a backup, click on Add backup in the sidebar of the Duplicati webpage.

You will see General backup settings where you need to enter the title of backup in the Name textbox and description if any. Select the type of encryption from the encryption drop-down menu and add a password for backup in the passphrase textboxes. You need not enter a password if you select no encryption. Click on Next once you are done with the details.

Now, you will see the Backup destination page where you need to choose where to save the backups. You can choose cloud storage like OneDrive, Google Drive, etc, or store them on the local drive using the Storage Type drop-down menu. Select the local path, if you chose a local drive or enter the username and password of your cloud drive using the Username and Password text boxes. Once, you are done with them, click on Test Connection to test if you have set the destination correctly. Click on Next to proceed further.

After the backup destination, you have to set up the location from where you want to backup data. Select the folder and click on Next.

It is time to schedule the automatic backups. Set the time and days as you want and click on Next.

Now, you will see the General options page where you need to specify remote volume size. Remote volume size is nothing but the file size of each partial file you backup. It is recommended to leave it as it is to speed up the backup process. Then, select if you want to delete the previous backups or keep all the backups when a new backup takes place. After setting them, click on Save.

You have now configured a backup. You will see on the web page with the title you entered. Click on Run now to run the first backup.

Your first backup will happen as you chose without any delay.

How to Restore a Backup using Duplicati

To restore a backup on Duplicati, Let’s see the process in detail. To restore a backup in Duplicati, click on Restore in the sidebar.

Then, select the option from where you wish to restore the data. You can restore from your backups or from a restore configuration. The most recent backup will also be in the options. Select an option by checking the radio button and click on Next.

Now, you have to select the files you wish to restore. Check the button beside the files and click on Continue.

You will see the Restore options page. You need to select a location to restore the files. If you select the original location, you need to choose if the backup files should overwrite the existing files or save with a different file name. Check the box beside Restore read/write permissions if you want to restore their metadata. Then, click on Restore.

It will restore the backup in the location you chose. Duplicati is a safe option to save your backups. The easy-to-understand and use interface is an additional advantage. It is available to download at duplicati.com. We hope this guide helps you in using Duplicati as your personal backup solution. If you have any suggestions or queries, do comment below.