If you send the wrong message to someone or if the sent message had a typo, you’d be able to edit it in an instant. In this guide, we will show you how to edit sent messages in Telegram on your Android, desktop, and iOS devices. Just make sure that you have installed the latest version of Telegram on your device.

Edit Sent Messages in Telegram on Android

You can follow the simple steps as shown below:

You can see the edited message along with the ‘Edited’ tag right next to it. Simple enough, right?

Edit Sent Messages in Telegram on iOS

If you use Telegram on your iPhone, you can follow these steps:

Edit Sent Messages in Telegram on Desktop

Follow these steps if you are using the Telegram desktop app:

You will come across the edited message with the corresponding tag. When used at the right time, this message editing feature can save you from embarrassment and problems. Of course, the person would know you edited the message, but they won’t be able to see the original text, either. Sounds pretty convenient. Note: Since Telegram stores all your messages on the cloud, this feature works across platforms. For instance, even if you sent the wrong message from your Android phone, you can edit the message using Telegram’s desktop or iOS app.