Error code 0x8007426 could also accompany this error message.

It is followed by error time and other details. This error could be triggered due to various reasons including region conflicts between your Microsoft account and computer, corrupted Microsoft Store cache, problems with your current user account, enabled proxy settings, and antivirus interference. It can also be caused due to disabled Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant service on your computer. In this post, we will discuss the fixes to get rid of the PUR-AuthenticationFailure error in Microsoft Store.

Fix PUR-AuthenticationFailure error when installing an app from Microsoft Store

If you encounter the PUR-AuthenticationFailure error when installing an app from Microsoft Store, you can use the below fixes to get rid of the error:

1] Run Windows Store Apps troubleshooter

The first thing you should do to fix the error is run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter. If there are some general issues that are causing the error at hand, it will fix them and you will get rid of the PUR-AuthenticationFailure error. Here’s how you can run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter:

2] Switch to a different region

If you are getting this error when purchasing an app, make sure your computer region is the same as the region of your Microsoft Account. Else, you won’t be able to make your purchase and might face this error. Here’s how you can change your region on Windows 11/10: Similarly, if you want, you can change your language and region in Microsoft Store online. Open Microsoft Store online and make sure you have signed in with your account. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the globe icon to set your region. If this doesn’t help, move on to the next potential fix. Read: Fix 0x80240024 Microsoft Store or Windows Updates Error.

3] Reset Microsoft Store cache

If you tried the above solutions and the error is still the same, you can try resetting the Microsoft Store cache and see if it helps. A corrupted Store cache might be preventing you from installing apps on Microsoft Store and giving you the error at hand. Hence, this will fix the error. Here’s how to do that: In case you still receive the same error, there are some more fixes you can use. So, move on to the next potential troubleshooting method.

4] Use a different user account

You can try logging into a different user account and then see if you are able to download or purchase apps from Microsoft Store without the PUR-AuthenticationFailure error. In case your user profile is corrupted which is causing the error at hand, you can create a new user account and then sign in with it to check if the issue is resolved.

5] Turn off proxy settings

Your proxy settings can also cause issues and errors like this in Microsoft Store. Hence, if the scenario applies, disable your proxy settings and check if the error is gone. Here’s how to do that: If the issue continues, use the next potential fix. See: The app can’t update when it’s open – Microsoft Store app error.

6] Enable the Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant service

This fix is recommended on the official Microsoft Community page. If you are receiving this error when installing a Microsoft Store app from a hybrid Azure AD joined computer, the Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant service is likely to be disabled on your computer. Hence, if the scenario is applicable, then this method should fix the error for you as it did for many other affected users. Note: Before making any Registry tweak, it is highly recommended to take a backup of the Registry to be on the safer side. Here are the steps to enable the Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant service using Registry Editor: Firstly, open the Registry Editor and go to the following key: Next, select the AllowMicrosoftAccountSignInAssistant key on the right-side pane and double-click on it. Then, set its value from 0 to 1 and exit Registry Editor. Finally, reboot your PC to apply changes and then check if you can download apps from Microsoft Store or not. To enable the Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant service using Command Prompt, follow the below steps: Firstly, open Command Prompt with elevated privileges. Now, enter the below commands one by one: Once done, check if the problem is resolved or not.

7] Try purchasing the app from the Microsoft Store website

If the Microsoft Store app is not working, you can try making the purchase from the Microsoft Store website instead. This is a workaround that worked for many users. Hopefully, this will resolve the error for you. Read: How to fix Windows Store Error code 0x80072EFD?

How do I fix Microsoft Store not purchasing?

If you can’t purchase apps from Microsoft Store, make sure that you selected the correct payment method and that the payment details are correct. Also, verify and ensure that your account’s address matches the payment method’s address. Other than that, reset Microsoft Store, sign in with a different Microsoft account, and make sure the Time and Date settings are correct.

How do I fix Microsoft Store Update error?

If you keep getting an error when trying to update an app on Microsoft Store, try running the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter to fix generic issues causing the error at hand. Apart from that, you can also use methods like resetting the Microsoft Store cache, checking the status of services associated with Windows Updates, re-registering the associated DLL files, or resetting Winsock to fix the error. Hope this helps. Now read: Fix 0x80073D02 Microsoft Store Error Code in Windows 11/10.

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