What is the cause of the PUBG Failed to get Token for Xbox error

As we have stated above, the error is linked to failed attempts in connecting to a server, so it is not exclusive to PUBG. Any game can face this error, but at this time, it is more inclined to show up with PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds.

Fix PUBG Failed to get Token from Xbox error

OK, so if you want to fix the error plaguing the title, then the following procedures should get things moving in the right direction:

1] Possible server issues relating to the game

The most likely scenario here is the possibility of servers not working as they should. These things happen from time to time. There is nothing you can do in most cases but sit back and wait for the servers to return to their regular state. If you’re not interested in just waiting but want to do an investigation, you suggest visiting the official status page of PUBG – pubg.org/pubg-server-status. Here you can gain information on whether servers are down or not. Should the servers be the primary culprit, we believe it is best to turn off your Xbox One console and wait for the issue to be rectified. Another option is to look at other Site Down Detector websites but rather the PUBG section. It’s a great website to check for downed servers for PUBG and other video games.

2] Were you banned temporarily?

In some instances, you might not know if a temporary ban has been attached to your account. If this is the case, then it could explain ‘Failed to get token from Xbox.‘ Bear in mind that if you use cheats in PUBG, you won’t be given a temporary ban but a permanent one. To find out if your account is banned, the idea is to contact the developers by creating a ticket on the official website.

We can get this done by visiting the official PUBG support page, and from there, click on Account Management right away. Once done, click on Submit a Ticket, then be sure to select PUBG Xbox Support. From there, please explain in great detail why you chose to create the ticket. Finally, choose Banned as your issue, then submit the ticket. If everything goes according to plan, then someone from PUBG should contact you in a few days or less. READ: Fix PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) mouse acceleration.