That’s a famous Google Chrome error He’s Dead, Jim! which shows up for a variety of reasons, but primarily it is a memory issue. Chrome is known to consume a lot of memory, and the more web pages you load, it takes up more resources. So the first step you can take is to hit the Reload Button to continue or just close the browser, and try again. However, if this happens a lot, let’s follow the mentioned steps to fix Google Chrome error He’s Dead, Jim! for good.

Fun Fact:  This popular catchphrase is from the original Star Trek television series!!

Google Chrome error He’s Dead, Jim!

I will divide the troubleshooting steps into two. The first relates to Chrome, and the second relates to the PC.

Chrome Troubleshooting

1] Reduce Memory Usage of Chrome

The best way to move forward is to make sure to reduce the memory usage of Chrome.  However, this comes with a small disadvantage. If one site crashes, all instances of that website will crash too.  Other open tabs, and websites will be fine.  It’s called the Process-per-site mode, and you will have to launch Chrome with this parameter.

2] Run Chrome with Strict Site Isolation

While this is a security feature, it makes sure that the crashing of one tab doesn’t affect the entire Windows. This feature will run each website in its own isolated process.

3] Run Malware Scanner & Cleanup Tool

Run Chrome browser’s built-in Chrome’s Malware Scanner & Cleanup Tool. It helps you remove unwanted ads, pop-ups & malware, Unusual Startup pages, toolbar, and anything else that spoils the experience by crashing websites by overloading the pages with memory requests.

4] Reset Chrome Settings

This option helps just like Windows 10 Reset. When you reset Chrome, it takes your default settings which were during the fresh installation. Majorly, it will disable all extensions, add-ons, and themes. Apart from these, the content settings will be reset. Cookies, cache, and Site data will be deleted. If you are going to create another user profile, make sure you reset Chrome.

5] Clean Reinstall Chrome

While it’s easy to reinstall any software, for Chrome you will have to make sure that you delete the User Data folder, and then install it.

Type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\in Run prompt, and hit EnterRename the ‘Default’ folder inside it to something else e.g. Default.oldNow install Chrome again, and see if the issues are resolved for you.

PC Network Troubleshooting

Many a time your Windows PC is responsible for causing these types of problems. It can happen with any browser, but since most of us use one browser, we will not know.

1] Flush DNS and reset TCP/IP

Sometimes the websites don’t resolve because the DNS in your PC still remembers the old IP. So make sure to Flush the DNS, and Reset TCP/IP. You may also try changing the DNS server to Google Server i.e. and see if it works for you.  Follow the solution we have offered for DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN in Chrome.

2] Temporarily Disable Antivirus and Firewall

Both of these are like security guards for the OS. If they find a website that is malicious or even considers it because of false-positive effects, the response from those sites will be blocked. Try disabling both the AnitVirus and Firewall to see if it works. If that’s the case, you will have to add those sites as an exception, and then enable it. That should work like a charm.

3] Run System File Checker

This will repair corrupted or damaged Windows system files. You will need to run this command from elevated CMD i.e. command prompt launched with admin privileges. Let us know if this guide helped you solve the issue.