CPU-Z Hardware Information Tool for Windows

Let us take a look at its individual modules.

1] CPU

If you want to learn about your CPU and to understand what is happening in the current moment, then you’ll need to click on the CPU tab after launching the program. In fact, it’s there by default, so in truth, you don’t have to click on it. This section will reveal the name of the processor along with its max speed. Additionally, the tool also shows the number of core and threads, which is important information for any advanced Windows 10 user.

2] Caches

When it comes down to the Caches section, this is where the user will get to see information on the L1, L2, and L3 caches. There’s not much to see here outside of words and numbers, and only folks with knowledge will understand what they mean.

3] Mainboard

This section gives the user information on the motherboard. If you want to know of the name, the model, and the chipset it supports, then this section is your best bet. Additionally, folks can locate data on the BIOS, and the time the BIOS was created or last updated. It’s not as deep as we’d like, but for what it offers, we can definitely live with that.

4] Memory

OK, so the memory tab will show data on the type of RAM that is inside of your computer. It also shows the speed and size of the RAM, and that’s great.

5] Graphics

Here we have everything you need to know about the graphics card inside of your awesome Windows 10 computer. Well, it doesn’t show a lot, but when it comes down to the basics, you’ll be just fine in this respect. If you’re interested in knowing the name, the technology, and the speed, then have a look at the graphics tab for all of that information.

6] Bench

Finally, we’re going to look at the Bench tab, the place you’ll go to benchmark and stress test your CPU. Now, to get the data you need, please tick all the boxes, and from below, select the button that says Bench CPU. Follow the same steps to stress the CPU, but instead, click on the Stress CPU button. After spending quality time will CPU-Z, we’ve come away with the conclusion that all the information it brings to the table is good enough for most computer users. You can download CPU-Z from the official website. These tools can also provide the provides hardware configuration information about your computer easily: Sandra Lite | MiTeC System Information X | BGInfo | HiBit System Information | Hardware Identify.